Sgt Michael James Simmons
Michael James Simmons was born as the olderst son of Patrica Joan Yates in 1945 after World War II ended. In 1966 Michael got a letter in the mail by the president of the United States, Lyndon Baines Johnson to join the 9th infantry division in the Vietnam War. During the Vietam War Michael was exposed to Agent Orange which gave him Parkinsonism, or Lewy body dementia. Due to this sickness he died at the early age of 69.
After his return home from the war in Vietnam he went to Oklahoma Missionary Babtist College and became a lisenced baptist minister and ministered in different congregations during the seventies. Michael was in the United States Army 16 years all together and was a Vietnam War veteran. While stationed in Germany in 1982 he married Roswitha Simmons (Pritsch) they lived together 37 years until the good Lord took him home.
Micheal James Simmons, died at the age of 69 years old, in Bad Hersfeld Germany on the 29th of January 2015. And was laid to rest at the Houston Nationanl Cemetary in Houston Texas, in C-12, Row B, Site 165. I will miss him with all of my heart and hope that when I get to heaven I can hear his uncanny jokes again and laugh with him before Jesus. I LOVE YOU MICHAEL JAMES SIMMONS; HUSBAND, FRIEND AND TEACHER OF THE WORD OF GOD, WHICH YOU TEACHED TO ME FOR MANY YEARS, AND I MISS YOU WITH ALL OF MY HEART.
Left to honor his memory his beloved wife, Roswitha Baston II Pritsch Macrory Yates Simmons a Privat Investigator and former Mayor of a military community in Giessen, Hesse, Germany; brothers, Dennis Welch and his Wife Susie Welch. Timothy John Simmons, of Heringen, Hesse, Germany, Ronald James Simmons, and wife Jenae, of Colorado Springs, CO, and Randy Michael Simmons, of Buna, TX; daughter, Faith Simmons, of orange TX; and the grandchildren given to Thelma Davis, A.J. Cardenas, Destiny Cardenas, Christopher Simmons, and Kiara Simmons; and a host of dear friends, extended family, and loved ones.
Michael's Memorial: Find-a-Grave Memorial
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