The Erfurt Zoo Trip
I want to tell a little story of the trip me and my daughter Kiara made to the Zoopark located in the City of Erfurt in Thuringia Germany. The weather was really hot for German standards, running about 85-90 degrees fahrenheit. We had a real good time with each other and I can't wait until we do something like this again. Because I didn't want us to become dehydrated I took my Camelback backpack full of tapwater. Needless to say Kiara didn't want to drink from my Camelback. Although Kiara liked the big animals, she loved the small ones. She has a small zoo of her own at home. Three house cats, two rabbits, and one hamster, lots to take care of. That's probably why she wants to became a Kindergarden teacher and not a zookeeper. I think they are a lot alike.... LOL Here are some pictures and Videos of our visit. |

My Daughter Kiara Lee-Joan
She has gotten big. She is only 12 yrs old.

Pink Flamingos
As you might be able to see most of them are still sleeping.

Cape ground squirrel
We thought he was watching a small TV around the corner somewhere.

Bat-eared Fox
He is a pretty fella.

A Young Barbary Lion
"Time for a nap."

Spotted Hyena
Again you have to see these creatures up close to realize how large they really are.

A Young Barbary Lion
Just chillin.

Demara Zebras
As you can see they are shading themselves.

An Antilope
Chilling out near the water hole.

The Rhinos 2
Majestic animals. You have to see them up close and personal to imagine how big they really are.

The Rhinos
This Zoo had many large animals.

He's not doing much. Hanging out like the rest of the animals on this hot day.

Hanging out in the cool grass.

Nandu Kindergarten
It looks like the Rooster has to take care of the little ones and sit on the eggs.

Nandu Kindergarten
It looks like the Rooster has to take care of the little ones and sit on the eggs.

A Papa Nandu
Like the Ostrich and the Emu, the Nandu belongs to the flightless birds.

Nandu Kindergarten
It looks like the Rooster has to take care of the little ones and sit on the eggs.

Nandu Kindergarten
It looks like the Rooster has to take care of the little ones and sit on the eggs.

Nandu Kindergarten
It looks like the Rooster has to take care of the little ones and sit on the eggs.

Nandu Eggs with Baby
The rooster hatches the eggs, which several hens lay in a common nest.

African Elephant 3

African Elephant 2

African Elephant
These guys are big! The oldest Elephant of this type was 57 years Old. Safari, one of the Elephants here was born in 1971.

A Baby Calf
This one is lying down in the shade, trying to stay cool.

Farm Animals
This was a little farm with Geese, Pigs, Goats, and Cows.

Fighting Geese
If you sat down on the benches to take a break, these guys would nip at your pants leg.

A Funny Mandragora
This one decided to spread out and take in the coolness of the shaded ground.

A Funny Squarrel and His Friend
These two animals lived in the same pen...

Funny Squarrel
He is just checking everybody out. Like a statue he didn't move a muscle.
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