Wise Words of Legendary Anons
Wise text messages from Legendary Anons
August 17, 2021 from Pepe Deluxe (member of "We The Media")
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; And lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, And he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: Fear the LORD, and depart from evil. It shall be health to thy navel, And marrow to thy bones. Proverbs 3.5-8
My life verses...I memorize these types so to remind me...
The path is narrow...the world path is wide
There is a great proof in your life when you walk the path and God pours blessings on you.
When you walk through the valley
When you think you could lose everything
Your back is against the wall
You've been praying and then God does it. God is good. He's never let me down.
Today is a new day. A new cup of grace. Yesterday's mistakes are gone.
You don't live there anymore.
You don't have to understand the whole plan.
When you can't see, ask God to light 🕯️ up your next step.
He gave those that believe in Him the power to become the sons and daughters of God
The Holy Spirit is in you like electricity.
You've been born in Your Spirit
Your God conscience is awake now
You don't have to figure out some great mystery now, or a dot you never seem to find called the perfect will of God.
All you have to do is this...listen to Pepe
Get 🔌 in
I have 3 kids. One is a TV, one is a microwave, one is a Lamp.....random examples
The Lamp might say, ooh I wanna be a TV...but they never have any good results
People often get discouraged over misconceptions...I thought I was to be a preacher... I'm a serial entrepreneur instead
Get plugged in. Then you will be whatever it is God made you to be.
The electricity turns it all on and gives it the energy and power.
The perfect will of God for your life is this.
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. Romans 12.1
That's the least we can do. That's how you get plugged in.
You say no to sin
Yes to Him
If you have a wrong spirit you need to check your salvation, maybe God didn't save you from anything
Do you know Him?
If so...absorb what I've said and let it Bless your life.
When you deny your flesh things you know are wrong and not good for you.
Your sight of the path will grow
Your confidence that you are indeed plugged in increases your Faith
God Bless you today. Drink in a new cup of God's grace and thank him you still have a conscience of good and evil.
Many peoples hearts have grown cold,
People even in the faith can become jagged,
Break up the fallow ground of your heart, allow the seed of God to take strong root.
Even when you don't feel like it.
Stay plugged into God.
When you are squeezed and you understand God's plan.
You can sing in the prison
Even unto death to be counted even worthy
I want Jesus juice to come out when I'm squeezed Lord
May we win this information war
God Bless you all
Pepe Deluxe
August 19th from IET 17 (IET) (member of "We The Media")
More important than beating the DS
More important than the tragedies of tribulation
More important than feeding the hungry
More important than ending all the wars
More important than freeing all of humanity from slavery
More important than saving the children
The MOST IMPORTANT thing is to choose sides NOW; believe in your Lord Jesus Christ, don’t wait until it’s too late. Then once you have chosen the Next most important thing is to scream from the mountain tops the truth and evangelize the world to do the same, unabated and unafraid of persecution, KNOWING that eternal salvation awaits those who do and eternal damnation awaits those who don’t.
As a former decades old atheist, I understand the hesitation of those who don’t believe. I understand the ignorance of what to do.
It’s quite simple.
Humble thyself
Repent from the acts of wickedness you participated in, wittingly or unwittingly.
Genuinely Ask God and Jesus for forgiveness.
Live pure.
Share and show this love to others!
The “nothing” in the phrase “nothing can stop what’s coming” is any humanly or demonic entity, including Satan himself.
The “what’s coming” is Jesus himself.
Whether it’s in our life time or our children’s lifetime, it matters not, although looking around at the world it would appear we must be getting close.
You don’t have to believe me.
But those that choose this path will KNOW I was telling you the truth.
Set your soul free from the traps of the SATANIC PIECES OF SH** that rule this earth, including Satan himself.
Free will is a thing.
It’s both a gift and a law of this universe-
all you have to do is:
>ignore the naysayers here to stop you
>have FAITH
>give HOPE
>give LOVE
>and do all of these things without FEAR.
BIG FACTS. 100%.
[Forwarded from Clint Eastwood]
Focus on God during the storms.
Not on the size of the problems, not on the giants before us.
Never tell God the odds.
Muster all of your faith to pierce through the fog and envision a brighter future.
"Without vision, the people will perish."
Ask for vision.
[Forwarded from We The Media (Pepe Deluxe)]
Dear Deep State,
You and your Daddy get a butt whipping by God and His people...one way or another
And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen. Romans 16.20
That's a promise
He can do nothing to me at all
PS...if you know of stronger words than these....let Pepe know
Big Daddy Weave - The Lion and The Lamb (Official Lyric Video)
Revelation 1.1-7
For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man parish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. 2 Corinthians 4.16
Struggle Jennings & Caitlynne Curtis // "God We Need You Now" (Official Music Video)
fuf media - Freiheit denken, [03.03.2022 10:27]
[Forwarded from 🇺🇸⚔️AbsoluteConviction1776⚔️🇺🇸 (🇺🇸⚔️Absolute1776⚔️🇺🇸)]
After two years of having my personal life utterly f***ed with, and toyed with by the Dems - they can kiss the fattest part of my natural born white a$$ expecting “unity”.
You kept us in masks.
You kept us indoors.
You masked our children, and gave them PTSD that will take a life time to erase.
You kept us separated.
You forced an experimental drug on society.
You forced that drug while taking people’s livelihoods away because they chose not to take it.
You fired Doctors, Nurses, Firefighters, Police, and EMTs because of their choice. Less than a year after hailing them as heroes.
You used this sham to steal an election.
You stole that election in an attempt to usher in World Wide Totalitarianism.
You’ve been the direct cause of death, disease, famine, and families losing everything.
You stood idly by while your BLM and Antifa lackeys ravaged American cities.
You pushed for defunding police.
You gaslit an entire nation, and the World into division, hatred, and chaos.
You’ve used your mockingbird media to brainwash the innocent.
You fight for the right to murder babies.
You fight for the right to force a child to have sexual reassignment surgery.
You project, lie, manipulate and twist every single soul on this planet.
You’ve pushed God out, and welcomed Satan.
You’ve committed high treason.
You diddle kids.
You cover for pedophiles.
You call us racist.
You call us domestic terrorists.
You ran a false flag on January 6th, thus leading to horrible treatment of folks who simply walked around inside the Capitol.
You’ve allowed Big Pharma to dictate how healthy someone can be.
You cancelled the Cleveland Indians, Washington Redskins, Uncle Ben, and Aunt Jemima.
You tear down statues.
You burn books.
You censor free speech.
I’m sure I could keep going, but Imma go ahead and wrap this up.
Listen to me. Very carefully. Yes, [you]. We will not forget. We will not forgive. We will not unite with you. Period.
You will soon discover the sleeping giant you have awakened. Will we get violent? NOPE. Nor do we need to. We will continue doing as we have done for the past 4.5 years. And that is kicking you square in the dick over and over with truth, information, and memes.
Freedom loving humans the world over are sick of the bullshit, and if you think for one second ANY of us are gonna just let this shit slide, you better wake the fuck up and get some Wheaties in ya because we ain’t going away.
Our resolve has only strengthened. Our anger is Righteous, and God blankets us with His love, guidance, safety, and protection. Most importantly; What we have, you lack - We have truth, we have resolve, we have love, and we have GOD.
That’s why we will win.
God wins.
The end.
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