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Masonry Exposed
Those who die as Masons, or as members of associated or offshoot
organizations with similar satanic beliefs, should expect condemnation
Request information and testimonials from former Masons,
Illuminati, and members of other secret organizations, religions,
and societies, particularly those who were in the higher levels and
aware of the true goals kept hidden from mainstream members.
Interest also includes feeder and proselytizing organizations.
Secret signs, passwords, and handshakes of particular interest.
Index of Freemasonry Documents New Graphics Document
Freemasonry Guilty of Murdering Paul Hill
The Washington Masonic Apron
In the latter part of 1784 General La Fayette visited
George Washington, and brought with him a beautiful white satin Masonic
apron (Left) with Masonic emblems beautifully worked by Marquise La Fayette, it being her gift.
Click on icons to see symbols in enlarged views.
In addition to the listed American presidents
who are known to be Masons are Gerald Ford and George H. Bush. Many
other presidents are believed to also have been Freemasons (openly or secretly)
or secret members of related organizations. Former president William
Clinton and current president George W. Bush are included in this
category. Others such as Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses Grant were
scheduled to become Masons but death interfered.
The LARGEST of Two Atomic Bombs used in the 2nd World War
was dropped on the only CHRISTIAN populated city in Japan.
military targets in Japan were chosen as targets to drop two atomic
bombs. One of these cities, Kyoto, was removed from the list because of its religious and historical significance to Japan.
The only city with a large population of Christians was chosen as a
replacement even though it had far less strategic military
The largest of the two bombs dropped on Japan was reserved for Christian Nagasaki, the city with the least military importance of the four. This city was chosen with the approval of President Harry Truman – a Past Grand Master of Masonry (both of his grandfathers had been Masons)
– by Henry Stimson, the Secretary of War. Stimpson had been appointed
to office by President Roosevelt, a Mason, who had chosen (or had been directed to choose) another Mason as Vice-President.
In 1935, Franklin Roosevelt sent General Douglas MacArthur to be
the military advisor to the Philippine president. His job was to build
an army, because he knew that someday the Japanese would attack and they had to be ready.
In times of war and peace Masons pervert justice in
pursuit of their own goals and for the protection offered against
penalties warranted by personal acts. Masonic allegiance is to their
brotherhood. Their goals encompass self-aggrandizement, profit, and
control of the world through deception or any means available that
serves their purposes. Due to a committed atrocity and resultant
masonic activities, media and religious leaders led an anti-masonic
movement in the 1830's. Prior to this masons were at least 200,000
strong. In 1964 there were over four million influential American
members in the society with a high percentage that are considered
wealthy or in control of wealth. This figure does not include those in
related organizations. The current enrollment is much higher.
While allegedly the United States is a free society,
the truth is that our election process and therefore our government is
highly controlled by the masonic brotherhood. Our elections are
controlled by wealth (fund raising) and the wealth of the nation is
highly controlled by freemasonry.
No more than can a leopard change its spots or a tiger
its stripes will freemasonry change its goal of achieving world
domination. This remains true regardless of the presentations it makes
or the posturing it presents to the public in the form of charitable
works. In the 1850's freemasonry restored its public image by
establishing charities (some reports indicate that a high percentage
of donated funds are used for their own entertainment. The IRS
seemingly ignores investigating them. Most masonic lodges are tax exempt.
No doubt many government offices have been filled by masons who then
have control of the actual distribution of tax receipts - both reported
and unreported. This last inference should not be hard to accept due to
the large numbers of masons in the country and the easy potential
(fact) for coordination in activities of public office.).
Their goal is not charity but rather the restoration of
their image. In this way they could continue their quest for
self-determination and world domination during peace; through war or
civil disturbance when it advanced their purposes. Note: Wars not only
provide profit for armaments manufacturers and munitions dealers but
also serves to disrupt the politics of governments thus making control
more easily obtainable. Wars and other conflicts can also provide a
boost to troubled national economies. To achieve their goals they would
have little concern for the disruption of family life, or the suffering
and deaths of millions. Their own membership would have little concern
as they would be protected from the draft or given safe assignments
away from front line fighting; at least those in the higher ranks of
Was it just a coincidence that Americans became involved
in so many wars under the jurisdiction of masonry?
- Revolutionary War – provoked by the Boston Tea Party reported to be the activity of Masons. Benjamin Franklin, Paul Revere, George Washington,
John Hancock, Alexander Hamilton, Patrick Henry, and some of the
signers of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were
Masons. It has been authentically reported that all but two of the
generals of the Revolutionary War were Masons.
- Civil War – Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses Grant were Masons in waiting.
- World War II – Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman were both Masons. It is long believed (known) that Roosevelt knew of the impending attack on Pearl Harbor but did nothing to notify the military in Hawaii.
- Korean War – Statement, dated June 27, 1950, by President Harry S. Truman
(a Mason), announcing his order to send U.S. air and naval forces to
help defend South Korea and explaining the rationale for his decision.
War broke out along the 38th parallel on June 25, 1950. The entry of
the United States into the conflict signaled a reversal of policy
toward Korea. Although it backed the government of Syngman Rhee, the
United States had begun withdrawing its troops from South Korea in
1948. As late as January of 1950, Secretary of State Dean Acheson had
implied that the Korea Peninsula lay outside the all-important "defense
perimeter" of the United States, a statement that some took to mean
that the United States would not defend the ROK from communist attack.
- Viet Nam War – The continuing political problems in Saigon, however, convinced the new president, Lyndon Baines Johnson
(a Mason), that more aggressive action was needed. Perhaps Johnson was
more prone to military intervention or maybe events in Vietnam had
forced the president's hand to more direct action. In any event, after
suspected Communist attacks on two U.S. ships in the Gulf of Tonkin,
the Johnson administration argued for expansive war powers for the
- Gulf of Tonkin Resolution - On August 2, 1964, in response to
American and South Vietnamese espionage along its coast, North Vietnam
launched a local and controlled attack against an American ship on call
in the Gulf of Tonkin. A second attack was supposed to have taken place
on August 4, although Vo Nguyen Giap the DRV's leading military figure
at the time and Johnson's Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara have
recently concluded that no second attack ever took place. In
any event, the Johnson administration used the August 4 attack to
secure a Congressional resolution that gave the president broad war
- Persian Gulf War of 1991– Nov 20, 1990: 45 Democrats file suit in Washington to have President George H. Bush
(a Mason) first seek Congressional approval of military operations -
eventually thrown out. – January 16, 1991: The First US government
statement of Operation Desert-Storm was made.
- With the foundation laid by President William Clinton –the
United States was notified five years in advance by the Philippine
Government that the events as they unfolded were going to take place– and completed under President George W. Bush ( both are members of the Skull and Bones Society – Yale University – NOTE: Prime Minister Tony Blair of Great Britain, present at President Bush's Address to the Nation on 20 September 2001, is a member of a kindred organization; the Cecil Rhodes Scholars
of Oxford University, England ) we now have the beginnings of the
first war of the 21st century; a new type of war of infiltration and
terrorism – a type of guerilla warfare. Bush says that this war is
opposed to the murderous ideologies in the world and refers to fascism,
nazism, and totalitarianism. But communism, the most murderous of all
ideologies, is not mentioned – some might consider this an omission on
the part of President Bush in his speech, but, it leaves open the
masonic ideal of a one world union of governments not under the
influence of Christian principles.
During the 19th century Masons were preached against by Protestant ministers because of their evil deeds and goals (the Catholic Church had long condemned Freemasonry).
Many masonic lodges had to close. Having to rebuild their public image
they chose to do fund raising for charitable works – it has been reported that much of these funds is used for entertainment. However, their agendums have remained unaltered.
The Secret Brotherhood of Freemasons
The following audio voice clips have been extracted from History Channel's program History's Mysteries presentation entitled The Secret Brotherhood of Freemasons. RealPlayer, if not already installed in your computer, may be obtained free by clicking RealPlayer - FREE.
Gruesome penalties to be imposed for breaking masonic oath. Part of oath and penalties.
Masonic lodges were schools for government with secret handshakes and passwords.
The masonic world view.
All men are created equal with certain unalienable rights. Among
these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These are fine
ideals when placed into proper perspective. Unfortunately masons and
associates believe that they are entitled to preferential shares of
these rights.
Concepts commonly found in masonic writings. The key words of free masonry are liberty, fraternity, and equality;
- Liberty - to choose as they desire for their own purposes;
- Fraternity - a brotherhood that primarily serves the advancement of its own membership and the development of its goals;
- Equality - first among its own membership and then concerning
others so long as it does not interfere with Masonic activities. It is
only at the highest levels of masonry that membership is privy to the
entirety of its goals.
Literature containing the concepts of liberty,
fraternity, and equality are commonly of masonic origin. Note: Masonic
rules state that one member may not have sexual relationship with
another member's wife. This limitation is clearly not in accordance
with the sound principles of moral religions that are opposed to
adultry, period.
Pope Leo XIII – Humanum Genus
- Encyclical on Freemasonry - Promulgated on April 20, 1884: § 34.
Amongst the many benefits to be expected from it will be the
great benefit of drawing the minds of men to liberty, fraternity, and equality of right; not such as the Freemasons absurdly imagine, but such as Jesus Christ obtained for the human race and St. Francis aspired to:
- the liberty, We mean, of sons of God, through which we may
be free from slavery to Satan or to our passions, both of them most
wicked masters;
- the fraternity whose origin is in God, the common Creator and Father of all;
- the equality which, founded on justice and charity,
does not take away all distinctions among men, but, out of the
varieties of life, of duties, and of pursuits, forms that union and
that harmony which naturally tend to the benefit and dignity of society.
Pope John Paul II
- In a French airport, in 1980, John Paul II said: "We know the place that the ideas of liberty, equality and fraternity hold in your culture and in your history. Basically, these are Christian ideas."[DC June 15, 1980, p. 605.]
- When he was in Turkey, John Paul II said: "The faith in
God that was professed by the spiritual descendants of Abraham,
Christians, Moslems, and Jews . . . is an assured foundation for the dignity, fraternity and liberty of men."[DC December 16, 1979, p. 105.]
- In his General Audience on September 15, 1982, John
Paul II said: "Jerusalem must become the city of man, in which the
believers of the three great monotheistic religions - Christianity,
Judaism, and Islam - live in full liberty and equality, as do
the believers of other religious communities, in the recognized
guarantee that this city is the sacred patrimony of all, and is
destined for the adoration of the One God, of meditation and the work
of fraternity." [Peter, Lovest Thou Me?, p. 199, 200; La Croix of September 17, 1982, p. 3.]
Symbols of freemasonry.
The three great symbols of masonry are; The Bible, the Compass, and the
Square. The compass and the square are tools used in layout and
construction. The "G" in masonic symbolism probably indicates association with either a "Grand Masonic Lodge" or to their multi-faced god whom they refer to as "Grand Architect of the Universe."
I have been informed via email, presumably by a mason (he did not
identify himself) that the "G" stands for "Geometry." This seems
quite plausible as geometry is a science of planning, design, and
layout. It is also used in measurements that accomplish the foregoing.
Geometry can easily be seen as part of their worship as they are
meticulous in making plans that will meet their goals even in the
distant future. As a materialistic / humanistic organization they have
no real concern regarding resurrection (a life after death). While
masonic lodges in America have traditionally used the Bible as the
centerpiece on their altars, the Judeo-Christian God is no longer given
primacy of belief. Thus, the Bible is no longer given its centrality of
recognition and its symbolism is overridden by the "G" standing for
Planning, Accomplishment, and Tools (PAT [hand]). Another Masonic source reveals that the symbol "G" In reality represents the "generative principle," the Sun-god and, thus, the worshipped phallus, the male "generative principle..."
- Masonry is a non-denominational universalist religion. It
accepts as members anyone who does not totally reject the existence of
some sort of god. Satan worship is not excluded. Christians, Muslims,
Buddhists, pagans, and satanist's are all equally acceptable. In lodges
that have large numbers of Christians the Bible is the altar
centerpiece; The Koran for Muslims; The Torah or Talmud for Jews, and
so forth.
Masonry – held to be of divine origin and taught to men divinely inspired.
To become a Mason an initiate is ritually slain and resurrected.
- Mason's mock the death and resurrection of Christ.
- In effect they supplant Jesus and become gods in their own right.
Masons deceptively renewed. They distanced themselves from their reputation as a secret cabal (persons secretly united to bring about an overturn or usurpation especially in public affairs).
Masons guardians of democracy.
Masons acted as the high priests of the new republic.
Masons systematically pervert justice.
Symbols are Masons working tools.
Each tool indicates a path to enlightenment. The presentations
made in regard to the more well known masonic symbols are used for
recruitment purposes and therefore are deceptively high sounding.
Masonic lodges became schools for government.
The video tape from which these clips have been extracted may be
purchased through or by calling 1-800-708-1776.
The current price: $19.95 plus shipping and handling.
Masonic Membership Recruitment
Masonry, a secretive brotherhood, uses social clubs
such as the Kiwanis International, Rotary International, and others as
feeder organizations or recruitment centers to enlist new members in
addition to referrals by their own members. At the top end of the
secretive spectrum are three interrelated organizations that capitalize
on their low key relationship with worldwide masonry. The founding
group in Germany (Illuminati – University of Ingolstadt), the American
group (Skull and Bones Society – Yale University. NOTE: George H.
Bush, William Clinton, and George W. Bush are all members), and the
English Group (Cecil Rhodes Scholars – Oxford University. NOTE:
The Prime Minister of England, Tony Blair, is a member of this group.)
are interrelated. It is not surprising that Clinton and Bush have both
been chummy with Blair.
There are more than 8,400 Kiwanis clubs with over
600,000 members in more than 70 nations and geographic areas. It was
founded in 1915 and headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana. As a
service organization they have committed themselves to a worthy goal,
eliminating the devastating effects of iodine deficiency disorders
(IDD). Membership consists of active or retired business and
professional men and women. The average Kiwanis member is 55.1 years
old, a college graduate, married, and a homeowner. He or she is an
owner or manager of a firm in the $25 million or less range.
Rotary International is an organization of business and professional leaders united worldwide
with a stated purpose of providing humanitarian service, encouraging
high ethical standards in all vocations, and helping to build goodwill
and peace in the world. In more than 160 countries worldwide,
approximately 1.2 million Rotarians belong to more than 30,000 Rotary
clubs. The world's Rotary clubs meet weekly and are nonpolitical,
nonreligious, and open to all cultures, races, and creeds.
Throughout its history, Rotary International has collaborated
with many civic and humanitarian organizations as well as the
government agencies of various nations in its stated efforts to improve
the human condition. An excellent example of what these partnerships
can accomplish can be found in Rotary's ambitious PolioPlus program.
Launched in 1985 in concert with the World Health Organization, the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and UNICEF.
Rotary has had a special relationship with the United Nations
for more than a half century. At the 1945 UN Charter Conference in San
Francisco, California, USA, nearly 50 Rotarians served as delegates,
advisors, and consultants. And the United Nations Educational,
Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), established one year
later, can trace its roots to a Rotary conference promoting
international cultural and educational exchanges that was held in
London in 1943. In 1946, the same year UNESCO came into existence, RI
was granted nongovernmental organization (NGO) consultative status with
the UN and UNESCO. Today, a growing number of projects are implemented
in collaboration with UN agencies around the world. Working with
UNAIDS, Rotary clubs promote AIDS awareness and prevention. Venezuelan
Rotary clubs are working with FAO field staff to increase vegetable and
poultry production. Nigerian Rotary clubs are working with the UN
Population Fund to expand a maternal education and child spacing
program. In Poland, the UN Development Program helped the Rotary clubs
of Warsaw and Duluth, Minnesota, USA, create a joint business
internship program.
Rotary Representatives are appointed by the RI
president to increase awareness and recognition of Rotary's programs,
policies, and activities within the international community. RI Representatives, based in major cities around the world, monitor major events and meetings, exchanging information and acting as liaisons.
Currently, RI Representatives are appointed to:
- The United Nations (New York, Geneva, Vienna)
- Council of Europe
- Organization of African Unity
- UNCHS/Habitat and UN Environmental Programme
- UN Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Food Programme
- The World Bank
- Organization of American States
Representatives often take proactive roles in events that are
related to Rotary activities or program emphases. In the past two
years, Rotary has presented examples of its humanitarian work at
numerous events, including:
- EXPO 2000, Hannover, Germany — June through October 2000
- Second World Water Forum, The Hague, Netherlands — March 2000
- UN Commission on the Status of Women, New York, NY, USA — March 2000
- Hague Appeal for Peace, The Hague, Netherlands — May 1999
- Global Meeting of Generations, Washington, D.C., USA — January 1999
- WHO Executive Board Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland — January 1999
- UN General Assembly Special Session on Narcotics (UNDCP), New York, NY, USA — June 1998
- Seventh Conference of Ministers of Education of African Member States (MINEDAF VII), Durban, South Africa — April 1998
- UN Commission on Sustainable Development, New York, NY, USA — April 1998
- UNESCO/International Literacy Institute (ILI) Literacy Forum, Dakar, Senegal — March 1998
Rotary experienced a growth spurt in the early 1990s when it expanded into former Soviet bloc
countries following the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union. Beginning in 1989, clubs
in Central and Eastern Europe that had been disbanded for more than 50 years were
re-established, and the first Russian Rotary club was chartered in 1990.
Contemporary freemasonry became established during the
early part of the 18th century in England. They have however
manufactured a history dating back to the building of Solomon's Temple.
Present-day freemasonry is an usurpation of the Middle Ages European guild system.
Disbelief remains as the single biggest factor working
in Freemasonry's favor. Decent folk find it
incomprehensible that there could be individuals so evil as to actually
try to take control of the world on
behalf of Lucifer. In Freemasonry everything has a double-meaning. Thus
the candidate is practicing the
occult throughout his degree work without knowing it. False
interpretations are given to him to prevent
him from suspecting the Craft to be anything less than "on the square."
Another factor is that it rarely, if
ever, does anything covert under its own name. In order to advance its
agenda it establishes other
organizations, to which it gives special assignments. – Only the 30th
through the 33rd degrees of Freemasonry are privy to its Luciferian
B'nai B'rith: A secret Jewish Masonic Order meaning "Bothers of the Covenant" – (Samir Raafat, Insight Magazine, March 1, 1999). The physical similarities between Masonic halls and B'nai B'rith lodges –a Judeo-Zionist organization fashioned upon the Masonic model–
are far too obvious for anyone not to confound the two. Following the
creation of the state of Israel in 1948, it was open season for
opponents of Freemasonry to pursue their claims that Masonic halls were
subversive and dangerous, bent on undermining Arab nationalism and
patriotism. Not unlike the anti-Freemasonry whisper campaigns
propagated by the Vatican in the middle of the last century and early
this one, articles cropped up in the post-1948 Arab World "proving" the
connection between Zionism and Freemasonry.
Masonic influence is so great that their members receive preferential
treatment and are placed into high government positions
Question: Was Neil Armstrong selected to be the
first to step onto the moon because he was a Mason? Masons seem
disproportionately qualified for space flight. The following are
reported as being Masons:
- Aldrin, Edwin E. "Buzz" - Astronaut
- Armstrong, Neil - Astronaut
- Cooper, Gordon - Astronaut
- Glenn, John - Astronaut
- Grissom, Virgil - Astronaut
- Irwin, Jim - Astronaut
- Schirra, Wally - Astronaut
Four of the first five presidents of the Republic of Texas were masons.
The judicial branch of the governments are also heavily masonic and opposed
to Christian principles. NOTE: Both Douglas and Marshall are Masons
Roe v. Wade — Blackmun, J., delivered the opinion of the Court, in which Burger, C. J., and Douglas, Brennan, Stewart, Marshall, and Powell, JJ., joined. Burger, C. J., post, p. 207, Douglas, J., post, p. 209, and Stewart, J.,
post, p. 167, filed concurring opinions. White, J., filed a dissenting opinion, in which Rehnquist, J., joined, post, p. 221.
Rehnquist, J., filed a dissenting opinion, post, p. 171.
Doe v. Bolton — Blackmun, j., delivered the opinion of the court, in which burger, C.j., and douglas, brennan, stewart, marshall, and powell, jj., Joined. Burger, c.j., post, p. 207, and douglas, j., post, p. 209, Filed concurring opinions. White, j., filed a dissenting opinion in which Rehnquist, j., joined, post, p. 221. Rehnquist, j., filed a Dissenting opinion, post, p. 223.
Cases were decided January 22, 1973.
Masonic United States Supreme Court Justices:
Baldwin, Henry - Supreme Court Justice
Black, Hugo L. - Supreme Court Justice
Blair, Jr., John - Supreme Court Justice
Blatchford, Samuel - Supreme Court Justice
Burton, Harold H. - Supreme Court Justice
Byrnes, James F. - Supreme Court Justice
Catton, John - Supreme Court Justice
Clark, Thomas C. - Supreme Court Justice
Clarke, John H. - Supreme Court Justice
Cushing, William - Supreme Court Justice
Devanter, Willis Van - Supreme Court Justice
Douglas, William O. - Supreme Court Justice (1939-1975)
Ellsworth, Oliver - Supreme Court Justice
Field, Stephen J. - Supreme Court Justice
Harlan, John M. - Supreme Court Justice
Jackson, Robert H. - Supreme Court Justice
Lamar, Joseph E. - Supreme Court Justice
Marshall, John - Chief Justice U.S. Supreme Court 1801 - 1835
Marshall, Thurgood - Supreme Court Justice (1967-1991)
Mathews, Stanley - Supreme Court Justice
Minton, Sherman - Supreme Court Justice
Moody, William H. - Supreme Court Justice
Nelson, Samuel - Supreme Court Justice
Paterson, William - Supreme Court Justice
Pitney, Mahlon - Supreme Court Justice
Reed, Stanley F. - Supreme Court Justice
Rutledge, Wiley B. - Supreme Court Justice
Stewart, Potter - Supreme Court Justice
Swayne, Noah H. - Supreme Court Justice
Todd, Thomas - Supreme Court Justice
Trimble, Robert - Supreme Court Justice
Vinson, Frederick M. - Supreme Court Justice
Warren, Earl - Supreme Court Justice
Woodbury, Levi - Supreme Court Justice
Woods, William B. - Supreme Court Justice
Masonic notable presidential candidates not elected:
Wallace, George - Former governor of Alabama
Jackson, Rev. Jesse - Minister and politician
Some other masons of interest:
Churchill, Sir Winston - British Leader
Ervin Jr, Samual J. - U. S. Senator
Fisher, Geoffrey - Archbishop of Canterbury 1945 - 1961
Franklin, Benjamin - 1 of 13 Masonic signers of Constitution of the U.S.
Ringling Brothers - All 7 brothers and their father were Masons.
Rhodes, Cecil - Rhodes Scholarship
Jones, Melvin - One of the founders of the Lions International
Guillotin, Joseph Ignace - Inventor of the "Guillotin"
Hancock, John - 1 of 9 Masonic signers of Declaration of Independence
Houdini, Harry - Magician
Hoover, J. Edgar - Director of FBI
Hoban, James - Architect for the U.S. White House
Harvey, Paul - Radio personality
Feast of Saint Matthew
21 September 2001
The Tenth Day
Unfolding the Masonic Bombing of
Christian Nagasaki – 1945 A.D. – Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2001 10:59:19 -0400
Nagasaki, Mon Amour, | August 8, 2001, by Lowell Ponte.
URL: 01p.htm
EACH AUGUST THE DEBATE RETURNS, this year won masterfully by my
Front Page Magazine brother columnist Ronald Radosh: Should the United
States on August 6, 1945, have dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima?
Given that the alternative would have required invasion of Japan and
the deaths of perhaps a quarter-million Americans, a million or more
Japanese, and prolonged suffering on both sides, most moral people
answer Yes, we should have dropped the bomb. We had only three bombs,
one to test and two to use and none to spare on a demonstration for the
But we should also ponder a very different question whose
answer reveals much about American politics 56 years after the event:
Why did the United States three days later drop a second atom bomb
targeted specifically on Nagasaki? The answer might surprise or even
horrify you.
Nagasaki reportedly was not on the original target list for nuclear extermination.
By late July 1945 military and Manhattan Project officials had
selected four atom bomb targets. One was Hiroshima, an industrial
center and staging area for Japan’s army and navy. The second was
Kokura, home to one of Japan’s biggest munitions factories. The third
was Niigata, a large Sea of Japan port city with a tanker terminal, oil
refinery, and iron works. The fourth was the old imperial capital
Kyoto, then also a huge industrial city with factories turning out
parts for artillery, machinery, and aircraft.
But at the last moment the Secretary of War Henry Stimson,
who arguably had knowingly precipitated Japan’s Pearl Harbor attack by
instigating an international embargo on its life-or-death oil supplies,
removed Kyoto from the list for annihilation and replaced it with
On the day Nagasaki was bombed, reporter W.H. Lawrence told
New York Times readers that it was “more important industrially” than
Hiroshima, a “transshipment” port, and “a major shipbuilding and repair
center for both naval and merchantmen.”
Nagasaki, indeed, was a port with one of the world’s finest
deep harbors, but the beautiful mid-sized city on the far southern
island of Kyushu had lost much of its status as a seaport. Hemmed in by
mountains and 600 miles southwest of Tokyo, what reached or left there
required transshipment, usually by sea.
Near Nagasaki was a huge Mitsubishi shipbuilding facility,
but it survived the atomic bombing. Something else in this city,
however, was virtually at Ground Zero and was destroyed. Was it the
real target that Leftists in the Roosevelt-Truman New Deal government
wanted most to obliterate?
Nagasaki was a sleepy fishing village on the day in 1542 when
Portuguese sailors first dropped anchor there. Guided by their maps to
Japan, on August 15, 1549, Roman Catholic missionary St. Francis Xavier
landed at nearby Kagoshima, learned within a year how to speak
Japanese, and began spreading the Christian faith.
By 1579, six of the regional military lords called daimyo had
become Christian converts and brought 100,000 of their subjects under
the sign of the cross with them.
Japan by tradition had been religiously tolerant. The
Nagasaki prefecture was home to the nation’s ports nearest China and
welcomed Buddhists, Taoists, and other traders and settlers from
neighboring lands. But these new Christians were intolerant, and by
1587 the last Buddhist and ancestor-worshipping indigenous Shinto
shrines had vanished from the district.
To Japan’s central ruler, the foreign traders and their
fast-growing religion began to seem threatening, like a foreign Fifth
Column in his midst. In place of the nation’s polytheistic faith,
Christianity insisted on only one God. In a society based on submission
to feudal and group authority, the new belief taught the value of the
individual. In a society of central power, the faith from Europe
created new rival centers of power and allegiance.
In 1587 the Shogun Toyotomi Hideyoshi issued a decree
proscribing Christianity and ordering the Jesuits to depart Japan
within 20 days, an edict that as tempers cooled went unenforced.
But nine years later new sparks flared, and in 1597 Hideyoshi
had 26 missionaries – six Franciscans, three Jesuits, and 17 Japanese
Christians – crucified at Nagasaki. A year later 137 Jesuit churches in
the region were razed, along with a college and seminary.
Hideyoshi died in 1598, and with his passing eased the first
wave of persecutions. But by 1612 the new Tokugawa Shogunate issued
restrictions on Christianity, and a nationwide ban was issued two years
In 1622 at least 51 Christians were executed in Nagasaki, and
two years later 50 were burned alive for their faith in Edo (now
Tokyo). More and more foreigners were excluded from Japan. 30 more
Christian missionaries were executed in 1633, and two years later even
Japanese residents who had lived overseas were prohibited from
returning to Japan, lest they bring back an infection of foreign ideas.
Japan’s rulers had reason to fear. By 1614, up to 300,000
Japanese were Christians, about 10 percent of the nation’s entire
population. Unless this contagious foreign religion with its alien
values could be stopped, it would soon take over and transform Japan.
To fight it, daimyo were prohibited from becoming Christians, and
thousands of Christians were executed.
Around Nagasaki hundreds of pieces of silver were offered to
anyone who turned in priests, monks, or even ordinary believers. Those
suspected were required to step on a crucifix or later on an image of
Jesus molded from the metal of desecrated Christian altars. The alien
religion was driven deep underground by persecution.
The Shogun directed those in Nagasaki to reject Jesus Christ
and embrace a new city guardian god whose home was the local Suwa
Shrine. Each year in early October the people of Nagasaki still hold
the Kunchi Festival in this pagan god’s honor. It is celebrated
nowadays with a dragon dance, Kokkodesho, likely brought by Chinese
merchants, and Hurrah dances brought to the trading city centuries ago
by Dutch sailors.
Foreign traders were confined to an island near Nagasaki.
Then, around 1640, the Japanese Shogun simply slammed and locked the
door, cutting his entire nation off from world trade and communication
for the next two centuries.
The door was pried open again in the mid-19th Century. Trade
resumed with many Western nations, including the United States. Japan’s
exotic qualities fascinated Western artists of all kinds. Giacomo
Puccini set his tragic opera about a suicidal young Japanese woman left
pregnant and abandoned by an American seaman, Madame Butterfly, in
By 1859, Christian missionaries were permitted to return. In
1873, Christians were again allowed to evangelize in the island
kingdom. In 1895, construction began on a Roman Catholic cathedral in
Urakami, a suburb of Nagasaki, that would be the largest ecclesiastical
building of its type in the Far East.
And, to the missionaries’ surprise, over 30,000 Japanese
Kakure Kirishitan, “hidden Christians,” emerged who had risked their
lives by secretly holding true to their faith during two centuries of
persecution. Now, with tear-filled eyes and rejoicing, they came to
worship openly in and around the place Pope Pius IX had blessed in 1867
by canonizing its 26 now-sainted martyrs to the faith, Japan’s most
Christian city, Nagasaki.
The plutonium bomb called “Fat Man” dropped from the B-29’s
bomb bay at 11:02 A.M. Below in the August heat nuns and old people
knelt praying, and summer sunlight danced on Nagasaki Bay.
Christians able to travel had made pilgrimage here. Some came
to escape the nationalist war fever and Shinto Cult of the Emperor,
descendant of the Sun God, that directed hate against all alien faiths,
including Buddhists and especially those loyal to the enemy’s faith,
Christians. Surely, these pilgrims thought, the last place a Christian
United States would drop its terrible new weapon would be Japan’s home
of the Prince of Peace.
The man-made sun, brighter than a million Rising Sun Japanese
flags, ignited about 1,600 feet above Ground Zero. Its wind shockwave
moving at 1,400 miles per hour pulverized the crowded homes below like
a giant fist. Its energy flash burned flesh from bone, then vaporized
both before a scream could reach melting human lips.
Scarcely a fifth of a mile from Ground Zero, the Urakami
Cathedral, its lovingly-crafted stained glass, and the worshippers
inside were smashed into dust and goo and flash-broiled. Heavy carved
statues of Jesus and Mary were scorched black in an instant.
The bomb, bigger than Hiroshima’s, with the explosive force
of 21,000 tons of TNT, destroyed essentially everything and everyone
within 1.2 miles of Ground Zero. Thousands of close-clustered wooden
homes and their residents vanished in the glow of a rising mushroom
In that moment, an estimated 73,884 people died – at least
one in 10 of them Christians. Another 75,000 were blinded, had skin
burned off, or were injured by the blast or engulfing firestorms or
collapsing buildings for miles around. Thousands more would die from
radiation or injury over days or months.
As one writer about the Cathedral put it, through this atom
bomb blast the Truman Administration was “ironically killing more
Christians than had ever been killed in Japan during centuries of
So why did Marxocratic policy makers inside Roosevelt’s and
Truman’s New Deal alter military targeting decisions, commanding
instead that Nagasaki – relatively insignificant as a military target –
be moved into the bombardier’s cross hairs and that its Christian
people be cremated alive into clicking-hot radioactive ashes by atomic
bomb annihilation?
And why today do Marxocrats use every tactic and technicality
to politically exterminate each Christian word and symbol in America’s
public square? Is their aim to remove all religions, morals, and values
that people might prefer to their dogmatic religion, Marxism?
Urakami Cathedral near Nagasaki was rebuilt by 1959, but
among the city’s surviving families, scarcely three percent are now
Christians. Modern Japanese, shaped by America’s secular occupation,
have eclectically incorporated symbols from various religions. Many, it
is said, now grow up Shinto, marry like Christians, and die as
Buddhists. Brides wear white wedding gowns and even wed in churches.
Many families celebrate Valentine’s Day, and some even exchange gifts
on Christmas. Several of the founders of Japan’s post-war democracy
were raised as Christians.
But the faith that once showed signs of sweeping Japan and
thereby changing Asian history is now mostly a matter of style, not
religious passion or mass conversion. Scarcely one percent of Japanese
now think of themselves as Christians.
French director Alain Resnais in 1959 created the film
masterpiece Hiroshima, Mon Amour. It plunges viewers into the fantasies
and nightmares of two lovers, a French woman and a Japanese man, a
survivor of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.
The world needs a sequel to this film to help people
understand the hidden wellsprings of history, love, faith, and the
limitless evil of the political Left. Call it Nagasaki, Mon Amour.
The August 9th anniversary of Truman’s deliberate bombing of
the Christian city of Japan is a moment for prayer and contemplation.
It is also a night to look heavenward, as from then through August 12th
each year our planet splashes through a river of stardust left in space
by an ancient “earth crossing” comet. These nights bring the Perseid
meteor showers as tiny fragments from that comet burn up in Earth’s
Humanum Genus – Encyclical by Pope Leo XIII against Freemasonry
Homosexuals, Freemasons and Others – Infiltrate the Catholic Church
Rebuttal of pro homosexual position presented on
Emmy award winning TV show "The West Wing."
History, Schematic, and Statistics on Freemasonry
History of Freemasonry – Narrated by a Muslim.
NOTE: Some bias against Catholicism is presented.
Albert Pike – Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry
"Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also God."
Masonic Agenda – selected quotations
THE ANTI-PRIESTS – Communism in the Church.
Status of Catholics Becoming Freemasons – 1981 AD
Clarification concerning confusions following Vatican Council II
Declaration on Masonic Associations – 1983 AD
Sacred Congregation for Doctrine of Faith
Secret Meanings of Masonic Symbols and Goals – by Robert Goldsborough
Suffering in Hell Relating to God God is Love
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